Virtual Flipped Classroom Design (Video Production)

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Date: 10 July 2020 (Fri)
Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm
Speakers: Dr Leon Lei, Ms Crystal Luo, Ms Sharon Keung

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, teaching and learning have shifted online and students often learn through lecture videos now. One of the challenges for educators is understanding and exploring how best we may produce instructional videos. Video production may seem a daunting task to some teachers. However, producing instructional videos at home can be a reality with the right tools and training.

This workshop will give a brief introduction to the potential and affordances of videos in teaching and assessments. We will introduce:

  • examples of how videos have been used in HKU courses for teaching and assessments;
  • multimedia production support resources in HKU; and
  • tips on DIY video production.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the challenges and opportunities of using instructional videos
  • Familiarize the required equipment, techniques, and workflows of producing instructional videos at home;
  • Identify the support of producing instructional videos at the campus; and
  • Reflect on practices and considerations in incorporating videos in their learning design.

For enquiries, please contact us at